Thursday, April 2, 2009

3D Ultrasound

My mom came down to visit and we thought that it would be fun to go and get a 3D ultrasound. Jaxon was not cooperating very well. He insisted on keeping his leg and arm in front of his face. However, we did get some cute pictures. After having the ultrasound done it made me really excited to get to see him. He is so cute!


Heather said...

I get to be your first comment ever! Yes he is a cutie. I'm glad that you are so excited to have him now. Little boys are just special to their mommas. Talk to you tomorrow.

Melanie said...

How handsome! I am getting so excited for you. :)

Stephani Polson said...

Hailey that is SOOOO exciting! And Jaxon is a great name! I'm happy to see your blog up and going!! ( I sent out an email but we changed our blog address to )